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"They can hold their ground, until we take it from them."

Team News

Russian vs Afghanistan

Novemeber 2009

TrashTalk presents Russian invasion of Afghanistan at Hornet's Nest on November 14th. The Soviet War in Afghanistan, also known as the Soviet–Afghan War or the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan; was a nine-year conflict involving the Soviet Union supported by the Marxist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) at their own request, against the majorly Pakistan-backed Islamist Mujahideen Resistance. The PDPA government was also supported by India, while the mujahideen found support from a variety of sources including the United States, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim nations through the context of the Cold War. 


October 2009

TrashTalk presents UnderWorld at High Energy on October 25th. Before the blood feud between the vampires and the lycans began the vampires ruled the land and the lycans were their slaves, their daylight guardians. Today it is all going to change.. It is up to you to decide. Are you a Vampire? Or are you a Lycan? Are you the elite rulers, the better species? A death dealer who’s only goal in life was to kill as many lycans as possible? Or are you the underdog raging to break free and over throw the vampire tyranny? 

Full Metal Jacket

April 2009

TrashTalk presents Full Metal Jacket! Three games! Three fields! One Vietnam series event starting in June and ending in August. Registration for each event starts at 8 am. Each game the points will be carried over to the final game. Two amazing opposing Generals Tackelberry for the Americans vs Lil T for the NVA.

Game One - June 27th - Full Metal Jacket - Hornet's Nest For more details please visit the TrashTalk forums. Click Here to download Hornet's Nest Field Waiver.

Game Two - July 25th - 26th - The Battle of Firebase APE - Albany Scenario Club. Click Here to download the Albany Scenerio Club Field Waiver.

Game Three - August 9th - The Battle of Siagon High Energy Paintball. Click Here to download the High Energy Field Waiver


March 2008

Enemy WithinWith the fall of the Soviet Union small independent nations we born from the ashes of the Soviet Empire. In landlocked in Central Asia the small nation of Toochmenistan was formed under the leadership of General, and eventually President Tucci. In the decades following the nations birth however dissent in the country continued to increase and the polices of President Tucci became more oppressive in an effort to maintain his position, continuing to anger his citizens. The cycle that continued until recently. In an effort to quell the resistance President Tucci had the Presidential Guard massacre a village known to house the leadership of the rebellion. The raid was a success in that it killed the leaders, but the public outrage that followed brought the country to the boiling point and another has risen to take their place and begin the revolution.

Peaceful protests have become full blown riots, sleeper cells in the government have been awaken, the revolution has begun. Neighbor vs neighbor, brother vs brothers, rebels vs loyalists. In a war with no boundaries, no standing armies, and no uniforms, who will you trust?

Red Dawn

January 2008

TrashTalk presents it's first post merger production, Red Dawn. Saturday, March 21st at Hornet's Next. Registration starts at 8 am. For more details please visit the TrashTalk forums.
Click Here to download Hornet's Nest Field Waiver

December 2008

TrashTalk and Black Sheep were proud to call A*P*E their home field and could often be found on the same side at scenario events. A brotherhood was quickly formed and it was often joked about that TrashTalk and Black Sheep Squad were the same team, just under different names. In the winter of 2008 it was decided that TrashTalk Paintball and Black Sheep Squad would merge so that they could create a more well rounded, and stronger paintball team.

Between the two teams they hold a number of Most Valuable Team and Most Valuable Player nominations. TrashTalk now calls High Energy Paintball their home field and are sponsored by First Prize Paintball. We would like to thank everyone for their support during this time of transition.